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Jesus’ ascension and the sending of His Holy Spirit

And it came to pass, while He blessed them, He was parted from them, and carried  up into Heaven – Luke 24.51

And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place – Acts 2.1

In a village lived a father who looked well after his seven young children. His wife died so the children depended on their father for everything. He loved them and gave them what they needed to survive. The father’s name was Mtendere.

One evening Mtendere told his children that he had to leave them for some time to prepare a better future. The children cried. They didn’t want their father to go because they loved him. Mtendere explained he had to go and promised he would continue to care for them. The next day he left. His children felt desperate. After some days they saw a man coming to their home. He looked like their father but it wasn’t him: it was his brother. He came to look after the children until their father had prepared the new future for them.

Since that day the children felt comfortable. Their uncle reminded them of their father’s promise. The children were taught about their father and his characteristics and felt encouraged by knowing more about him. They realized they have an amazing, caring father and couldn’t stop sharing everything they heard about him with the neighbours.

No one can describe the happiness of the family the day the father returned to be reunited with his children.

In the Bible we read about Jesus Who went to prepare a future for His children in Heaven. He has given His Holy Spirit to comfort and teach them to live for His glory on earth. They are waiting for Jesus to come back to then be with Him.

God is One

It is difficult to understand, but God explains in His Word, the Bible, that He is only one God[1], but with three Persons[2]: God the Father, God the Son (the Lord Jesus Christ) and God the Holy Spirit. They are equal, they are all God, but they have different duties. Because God Himself has told us this we must believe it, even though it is difficult to understand.

Jesus ascended to Heaven: Ascension Day

Jesus, God’s Son, came from Heaven and was born on earth as a child[3]. We remember that at Christmas. At Good Friday we remember that He died on the cross to set His children free from punishment of sin and death[4]. After three days Jesus rose from the dead[5]. We remember His resurrection at Easter.

After His resurrection Jesus showed Himself to many people to prove that He was risen indeed[6]. He taught them about God’s Kingdom[7]. He  told His disciples to wait in Jerusalem for God’s power to be enabled to preach to all nations repentance and forgiveness of sin[8]. He told them not to fear, because He has all power in Heaven and on earth and because He would never leave them[9].

Forty days after His resurrection while Jesus spoke with His disciples, He blessed them and ascended to Heaven[10]. He could not be seen anymore because a cloud hid Him from people’s sight[11]. He went to Heaven to sit at the right hand of His Father[12]. What a difference with His suffering and death on earth!

Jesus is still in Heaven. He has all authority, is honoured for the work of salvation He has accomplished and He rules.


It is important for everyone to belong to this King. The Bible says that no one is a child of God by nature. We must be born again to belong to Him and to be in God’s Kingdom[14].

The reason that we must be born again is that according to the Bible everyone is a sinner and God hates sin[15]. Therefore sinners can’t be in God’s Kingdom[16]. Sin is transgressing God’s law[17].  There are many sins, for example pride, unbelieve, stealing and adultery. If we don’t repent and  depend on Jesus for salvation of our sins, He is not our King and we need to be in hell for ever as punishment for our sins[18]. Hell is the most terrible place we can imagine with suffering, loneliness and no hope at all[19]. The only way to be saved from it is through Jesus[20].

If you are born again and in God’s Kingdom, you have a King in Heaven who reigns your life and cares for you[21]. Even the difficulties He uses for your best[22]. Suffering is part of being a Christian and in the midst of the trials you have a King Who is in control[23].

Right after Jesus’ ascension to Heaven two angels told the disciples that Jesus will come again[24]. Nobody knows the time of His second coming[25]. It can be any time. When He comes, everyone will see Him[26]. All people, both the living and dead, will be judged by Him[27].  Those who are His people will be with Him in Heaven for ever, but those who are not will be in hell with Satan for ever[28]. Jesus has not yet come because God wants everyone to repent and be saved[29], but it is clear that He is about to come[30].

Pouring out of the Holy Spirit: Day of Pentecost

Before Jesus ascended to Heaven He assured His disciples He would never leave them[31]. But yet, He ascended to Heaven. Indeed, Jesus left His disciples  physically but spiritually He never left them and will never leave all who are His[32]. Jesus promised them His Holy Spirit to teach and comfort them[33]. The power of God the Holy Spirit was seen in an extra-ordinary way 10 days after Ascension[34]. That day is called Pentecost. On that day the Holy Spirit filled the house where Jesus’ disciples were gathered. Signs were seen and heard and the disciples started speaking in different languages so that everybody could hear God’s message in his/her own language: Jesus is Lord. Many repented and believed in Jesus as their personal Saviour[35].  Because of to the power of the Holy Spirit the disciples started to do what Jesus commanded them to do: to preach the Gospel to all nations[36]. Everyone needs to hear the Gospel message:  repent, believe in Jesus and you will be saved[37].

The Holy Spirit still works. By grace He teaches people about Jesus so they understand they need to repent and accept Jesus as the only Way of salvation[38].  Salvation of the lost is God’s work alone[39]. Therefore there is hope for everyone to be saved. Our sins can’t resist God’s grace and the Holy Spirit to teach and convince of sin, righteousness and judgement. Even those who do not understand their need for Jesus can be saved by God’s power[40].

Ascension Day and Pentecost in our daily lives

If you are someone who is not saved by Jesus, remember that Jesus is King of the whole earth. One day He will come again and you will be judged by Him. Your whole life will be revealed. Repent and be set free of hell. Pray to God for everything you need to be saved from. There is nothing God can’t overcome for you to be saved. He is able and willing to change you[41].

If Jesus is your personal King and you are in God’s Kingdom, remember that your King cares for you. He has given you His Holy Spirit to guide, comfort and teach you and to equip you with spiritual fruits[42]. Live your life for Him and don’t grieve Him by committing sin. Let Him guide you in teaching others the Gospel of Jesus Christ so that they may be saved as well to God’s honour. 

Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his – Romans 8.9b


[1] Deuteronomy 6.4, [2] Matthew 28.1, [3] Luke 1.31, Luke 2.6-16, [4] Matthew 27, [5] Matthew 28, [6] John 20 and 21, Luke 24.31, 34 and 36, [7] Acts 1.3, [8] Luke 24.49, Acts 1.4, Matthew 28.19, Luke 24.47, Mark 16.15 and 16, [9] Matthew 28.18 and 20, [10] Luke 24.50 and 51, [11] Acts 1.9, [12] Mark 16.19, [13] 1 Corinthians 15.25, Revelation 11.17, Revelation 19.16, [14] John 3.5, [15] Romans 3.2, [16] 1 Corinthians 6.9, [17] 1 John 3.4, [18] John 3.18, Revelation 21, [19] Matthew 25.30, [20] Acts 2.38, John 5.24, 1 John 5.12, John 14.6, [21] Revelation 15.3, [22] Romans 8.28, [23] Romans 8.17, Philippians 1.29, [24] Acts 1.10 and 11, [25] Matthew 24.3, [26] Revelation 1.7, [27] Revelation 20.12, 1 Thessalonians 4.16 and 17, [28] Matthew 25.31-46, [29] 2 Peter 3.9, [30] Matthew 24, [31] John 14.18, [32] Matthew 28.20, [33] John 14.16, John 16.7, John 14.26, [34] Acts 2.1-13, [35] Acts 2.41, [36] Mark 16.20, Acts 11.20, Acts 15.35, Acts 28.31, Acts 1.8, [37] Acts 2.38, Acts 16.3, [38] Acts 16.14, John 16.8, [39] Ezekiel 36.27, Zechariah 12.10, 1 Corinthians 6.11, [40] Isaiah 42.16, Isaiah 44.3, Mark 10.27, [41] Isaiah 45.22, Luke 13.34, 1 Timothy 2.4, [42] Galatians 5.22, Ephesians 4.30

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