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When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, He said, It is finished: and He bowed His head, and gave up the ghost – John 19.30
The Lord is risen indeed – Luke 24.34
In a village lived a boy named Chisomo. His family had some chickens for food and business. Chisomo loved the chickens, especially the little ones that were a few days old. His father told him to choose one to be his own. Chisomo choose the one he liked most: a small yellow chick with dark wings. Every afternoon when Chisomo chased the chickens towards the chicken house he checked if his chick was alright. He didn’t want anybody to know, but he called it Mphatso.
It was a dark night and the village was quiet. Everybody slept. Suddenly Chisomo woke up. He heard the chickens making a lot of noise and another sound that he immediately recognized: fire! Chisomo woke his father, they took a small light, ran to the chicken house and tried to extinguish the fire. Chisomo cried, ‘My chick, I don’t want my chick to die!’
Once the fire was extinguished Chisomo and his father searched for the chickens. The situation was desperate: all chickens died in the fire. Chisomo cried, ‘My chick!’ Suddenly he heard a soft PEEP and soon he realised where it came from: under the wing of Mphatso’s mom something slightly moved. ‘Mphatso!’, Chisomo shouted, ‘Mphatso is alive!’. Mphatso had been safe under its mothers’ wings.
‘Isn’t that suprising?’ the father said to Chisomo. The chicken died for your chick to live. It offered it’s life to protect the chick. Amazing!’ That day Chisomo couldn’t stop smiling.
In the Bible we also find an amazing story: Jesus, God’s Son, died on the cross and rose from the dead to rescue sinners.
Jesus died on the cross: Good Friday
Jesus was born on earth as a child[1]. That is what we remember at Christmas. During His life many people loved to see Him doing miracles like healing the sick, multiplying food, raising the dead. Jesus didn’t do anything wrong. He lived a perfect life: He was kind, merciful and full of love toward everybody. He taught people about God’s Kingdom[2] and explained that everyone’s relationship with God was broken[3] because of sin which is transgressing God’s law[4]. He said that the only way to be in a good relationship with God is through Himself[5] who came to give His life as a ransom[6].
Although many people loved to see Him doing miracles, there were many people who didn’t like His teaching. They said that Jesus slandered God by saying He was God’s Son[7]. Many didn’t believe what Jesus said. Especially the most religious people of those days didn’t want to hear that the only way to be saved is through Jesus and not by our own means.
These people hated Jesus so much that they wanted Him to be killed[8] and that is what happened[9]: Jesus was betrayed by one of His disciples who followed Him for a long time. He was taken captive and brought to Caiaphas (the leader of the religious people) to judge Him. Caiaphas found Jesus guilty for the fact that He said He is God’s Son. They sent Jesus to the governor Pilate who judged that Jesus wasn’t guilty but because of the pressure of the crowd, Jesus was tortured and taken to Golgotha where He was crucified. Jesus wasn’t surprised by what happened to Him. In fact, everything that happened was in God’s plan[10]. Jesus came on earth to save sinners by dying on the cross[11]. Out of love He left the glorious Heaven to hang naked on a cross and to die. What a contrast!
Jesus death is very important for mankind since He is the only way to be saved from sin[13]. The Bible says that everybody is a sinner[14]. God hates sin. Therefore no one can enter Heaven and be with God unless his/her sins are removed[15]. The Good News is that we don’t need to save ourselves. All that is necessary is to repent from our sins and believe in Jesus for salvation[16]. At the same time, we do not need to achieve true repentance and faith by our own means, but they are gifts by God out of grace[17]. So God gives us everything we need to be saved through Jesus Who died on the cross for sinners like us. Remember the story of Chisomo and his chick Mphatso in which one died to save the other. Jesus died in the place of His children for them to have eternal life with God in Heaven. That is the Good News we are reminded of at Good Friday.
Jesus rose from the dead: Easter
Three days after His death, Jesus rose from the dead[18]. Early in the morning there was an earthquake and an angel from Heaven said that Jesus was risen from the dead.
Just like Jesus’ death, His resurrection is very important. Jesus’ resurrection shows us that death, the wages of sin[20], is conquered by Jesus which means that He also conquered sin. Jesus is stronger than sin and we do not need to do anything to remove our sins, because everything is done by Him. He did it once and for the sins of many who believe in Him[21].
If you repent and believe in Jesus, God assures you eternal life[22]. The Bible emphasizes many times that those who believe are in Jesus. He is alive, so those who believe in Him are also alive and have eternal life[23]. Think about the example of someone who has fallen in the water. As long as his/her head is above the water he/she can breath and will not drown. In the Bible Jesus is called the Head[24] and because He lives, those who believe in Him have eternal life. The fact that Jesus rose from the dead is Good News. Every year at Easter we remember the miracle of Jesus’ resurrection.
Jesus’ death and resurrection in our daily lives
Many of us know the stories of Jesus death and resurrection. But do you really understand what happened? What do Jesus’ dead and resurrection mean for you in your daily lives? Jesus is worth our trust. If you up till now haven’t surrendered your life to Him, repent and believe in Jesus, because without Him you are lost and you don’t have eternal life[25]. Remember that He is merciful, He will save you as well if you turn to Him and depend on Him for salvation[26]. Pray God for mercy.
If you know that Jesus died and rose for you, serve Him every day[27]. Remember that because of Jesus’ resurrection you are sure of eternal life. Let Him guide you whatever you do[28]. Never lose hope[29] for daily life and for eternal life because Jesus conquered sin and death. Read your Bible to learn more from Him and glorify Him for what He has done for you.
To God be the glory! Great things He has done!
So loved He the world that He gave us His Son;
Who yielded His life an atonement for sin,
And opened the life-gate that all may go in.
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord,
Let the people rejoice;
Oh, come to the Father, through Jesus the Son,
And give Him the glory;
Great things He hath done.
For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the scriptures - 1 Corinthians 15.3 and 4
[1] Luke 2.6-14 [2] Matthew 13, John 3.5 and 6 [3] John 8.19 [4] 1 John 3.4 [5] John 14.6 [6] Matthew 20.28 [7] Matthew 9.3 [8] John 11.53 [9] Matthew 27 and 28 [10] Matthew 20.18 and 19, Luke 5.32 [11] John 3.1, 1 John 4.9 and 10 [12] Philippians 2.6-8 [13] Acts 4.12, 1 Timothy 2.5 [14] Romans 3.23 [15] Isaiah 33.24, John 3.3 [16] Mark 1.15, 2 Corinthians 5.21, 1 Peter 2.24 [17] Ephesians 2.8, Romans 5.15 [18] Matthew 28.1-7 [19] Mark 16.6, Luke 24.6 [20] Romans 6.23 [21] Hebrews 9.23 [22] John 10.28 and 29, John 11.25 and 26 [23] 1 John 4.15 [24] Ephesians 4.15 [25] Romans 10.9, 1 John 5.12, John 3.3, [26] 1 John 1.9, [27] Romans 6.5 and 6 [28] 2 Corinthians 5.15, Luke 9.23 [29] 1 Peter 1.3
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